Thursday, 23 August 2012

Term 3, Week 9: Handball - Frequently Asked Questions

Hello All,

Here are some commonly asked questions:

1. How are the rules for handball dribbling and traveling different from basketball?
ANSWER: Dribbling in handball can be nearly identical to basketball as there are no specific rules governing the motion that is to be used to direct the ball to the floor (in theory, players might dribble using their fists). However, dribbling requires the hand to touch the ball only at its upper half and “palming” or catching the ball while dribbling is a turnover and is more closely called than it is in basketball.

The player with the ball may take up to 3 steps before shooting, passing or dribbling. After dribbling the ball (once or repeatedly) and holding it again, the player may take again 3 steps, but must then shoot or pass the ball to a teammate. Starting to dribble again after holding the ball (double dribble) constitutes a turnover. Each time a foot touches the ground is counted as a step (pivots/back turns etc are therefore not seen in Handball); exception: if a player jumps and lands with both feet at the same time, landing only counts as one step.

2. Can players kick the ball?
ANSWER: Players (other than the goalkeeper) are not allowed to touch the ball with their lower legs, including the knee.

3. How long can the player hold on to the ball before passing, shooting or dribbling?
ANSWER: Players are allowed to hold on to the ball only for 3 seconds before a turnover is called

4. Why don’t I ever see a player jump out of bounds to try and save a ball before it hits the ground?
ANSWER: Unlike basketball, the ball is out immediately after it crosses the sidelines and the baseline.  Essentially there is an imaginary plane above each line.  It is even possible for a wing player to accidentally put the ball out of play with a throwing motion if the player is not careful.

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